With proper arrangements, you can take a private online lesson after setting up a couple of things:
You'll need:
- a high speed internet connection
- I highly recommend a large screen device- tablet, iPad, computer screen, etc. for most clarity and visibility
- a video camera (most are built in to your computer or e-device, or use an external usb camera)
- microphone (most built in ones are adequate)
- clear lighting against a wall- not looking toward a window.
- Facetime, Skype, or Zoom account
- Pencil
Position yourself carefully, noting the location of desk and chair legs, corners of desk, anything that might encroach on your clide movement. Also if you are pointing directly into the microphone, that sometimes tends to draw feedback.
Please let me know ahead of time what you'd like to work on in your lesson so that we can both be reading from the same music.
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