Music Education Page

IMG 2840

One of my most favorite and important aspect of my work is sharing my love of learning abaout music, and expressing ourselves in the art of playing a low brass instrument.  I have had great satisfaction in watching students get excited about music over the years, whether it’s guiding a middle schooler through their first step-up instrument, High School students seeking further development in youth orchestra and summer performance opportunities, or College level students as I guide students in their musical journey in a supportive and nurturing manner.  After years of study, it is always so bittersweet to see long time students move on to their next big step- college, or graduate school- knowing that they have come such a long way, and that they fully appreciate the life-long passion of making music.   

What follows are helpful links to get the most out of our studio experience in learning a low brass instrument.  

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Meet the Trombone Family, a brief video for younger audiences interested in learning about trombones. 

Prior to your First Lesson  

Take an Online Lesson

Selecting the Right Equipment

Trombone Slide Maintenance 

Thoughts on Routine Exercises, suggestions about starting a practice routine 

Nutrients- Long Tones, Lip Slurs, Scale Routine

Lesson Agenda Forms

Brian’s Practice Ideas- Thought-Provoking Ideas to Consider!

Low Brass Essentials

Masterclass Bookings